Original Modern Prints

Worldwide shipping

from right across the Vienna Opera House

Sell your prints

We buy your modern original prints, paintings and sculptures from the Art Nouveau period and the 1920ies to the 1980ies. The evaluation is free of charge.

Your Artworks

If you are interested in selling an artwork, please send us an e-mail or use the contact form that you can find below. Please send good photos showing the main characteristics of your artwork and provide any additional information on your artwork you might have. We will evaluate your artwork free of charge and - in case we are interested - make you an offer. In case we are not interested in buying your piece of art we will recommend alternative ways for selling it. There are no obligations whatsoever for you involved.

Further down this page, you will find a list of artists we are especially interested in.

Please do not hesitate to offer your artwork even if you do not find the artist on that list.

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Gallery sell your print


If you want to sell your artwork

  1. Take pictures of the main characteristics of the piece(s) of art you want to sell.
  1. Submit your contact details together with the pictures through the form below.
  1. We will get in contact with you in case we need any additional information.

    We will estimate the value of your prints and make you an offer.
  1. If you decide to sell, we are happy to support you with all paperworks and payment details.


Submit your print

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Selling your prints?

If you are interested to sell a piece of art, please write an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or use our contact form provided above. Please send photos of the main characteristicy of your artwork and provide us with any additional information you might have. We will evaluate your artwork free of charge. There are no obligations for you involved.

Upload Images Now

Individual Consultation?

We can also offer you an individual consultation in oder to give you advice or answer any questions concerning selling your artworks. Please do not hesitate to contact us to make an appointment.

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A-1010 Vienna

T +43 1 503 27 50